Agency time-registration

Report all activities immediately in white-label format.

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Time registration for agencies

Each agency must keep track of all activities, for internal purposes and for customer reporting. However you do this, marketing tracer makes it easy to report. Via our own registration tool or via our simple API 

Simple interface

Simply register all activities per customer and per employee

Handy API

Automate in integrate registration with your existing system


Work even faster and create clear reports with task templates.

White label reporting and customer access

Report the time registration automatically every month in branded PDF reports or give your customers white label access to the time registration module

Integrate your own registration system with our API

Do you prefer to use your own registration system but still want to print complete white label reports containing the time registration? We understand that, that is why you can easily link the registration, just continue working in your own system, but still give customers access to the registration in a uniform manner.