WebPage Speed test
Find out why your site is slow. Enter a URL to test the page load time, analyze it, and find bottlenecks.
Because Nobody Likes a Slow Website
Practically all our customers would benefit from a faster website. That is why we created the MarketingTracer pagespeed report.
Pagespeed is subjective and certainly pagespeed can not be measured by a single measurement in time. There are several moments during the loading of the page that can cause a user to experience the page as 'fast' or 'slow'. When improving the speed of the page, we must also focus on improving the speed experience.
We believe the most important content should be visible on the screen at lightning speed and the page should respond as quickly as possible to user interaction.
Why the MarketingTracer speed test?
There are already quite a few speed tests that can be divided into roughly 2 categories.
The first are traditional speed tests that mainly look at the technology used and not at the user experience. The second are newer tools that do measure the user experience. These are often so technically complex that it is nearly impossible to make the right choices.
That is where marketingtracer comes in. We measure pagespeed and tranlate that into user experience. We provide a clear step by step picture and explain whats slows down your page, what the impact is and how you can speed up your page.
Part of the SEO Audit
The MarketingTracer speed test is part of the complete SEO audit. Automatically measure and report the speed of every page of your website and whenever you want!